This plugin represents a bundle of usefull functions, to make your work with Jooma! even easier. jPowerTools is a plugin like a swiss army knife. Neat and handy!
Warnung: Keine Bilder im angegeben Ordner vorhanden. Bitte Pfad kontrollieren!Debug: angegebener Pfad -
jPowerTools Plugin can:
Overwrite || Remove the Joomla! generator tag :
- {jb_icon-check}Disable the generator meta tag{/jb_icon-check}
- {jb_icon-check}Overwrite overwrite the generator tag with your own tagline{/jb_icon-check}
Integrates Joomla! Options :
- {jb_icon-check}Disable Bootstrap{/jb_icon-check}
- {jb_icon-check}Disable Mootools{/jb_icon-check}
- {jb_icon-check}Disable jQuery{/jb_icon-check}
Bootstrap 3 Options :
Integrate Bootstrap 3 into your Joomla! installation with the greatest of ease !
- {jb_icon-check}Enable Bootstrap3 JavaScript{/jb_icon-check}
- {jb_icon-check}Enable Bootstrap3 CSS StyleSheet{/jb_icon-check}
- {jb_icon-check}Enable Bootstrap3 CSS default Theme{/jb_icon-check}
Cookie Warning Script :
Enable the more and more legally required cookie warning information for your website's visitors.
- {jb_icon-check}Enable Cookie Warning Script{/jb_icon-check}
- {jb_icon-check}Custom Text / HTML{/jb_icon-check}
- {jb_icon-check}Cookie Lifetime ( minutes ){/jb_icon-check}
Site Branding Options ( experimental ) :
Templating content by simple string replacement.
- {jb_icon-check}Makes taking care of disclaimers, owner's addresses, company name & information etc. in contents and systemwide less a pain in the a**. Set certain strings in jPowerTools in a centralised fashion and then have them available everywhere in Joomla!{/jb_icon-check}
For Joomla! 4
Enjoy!... Don't forget to rate it ;-)