EasyFlash Module - This Joomla module allows you to place flash movies into module positions.
Now with No-Flash -Fallback/Content-Option to deliver alternative contents for iPhones and co ! ;)
EasyFlash Plugin - This Joomla plugin allows you to place flash movies into the content of an article.
{zen-pre}usage|{easyflash movie:[path+filename] id:[container id] width:[width in px] height:[height in px] [optional parameter:value] }{/zen-pre}
The "movie", "id", "width", "height" parametes are required attributes. others are optional. The primary source of EasyFlash parameters is the {easyflash} tag line in an article. The missing parameters are being substituted by the defaults set in the config of the EasyFlash plugin.
Embedded Example ( EasyFlash Plugin ) :
Video Tutorials :
Video Tutorial( on YouTube ) - EasyFlash Module
Video Tutorial ( on YouTube ) - EasyFlash Plugin
One thing to say : The base of j1.5 module as well ws the plugin's first versions were created by an unnamed author that once could be found on joomlets.net, which no loger is active or in use. Also, the extensions can no more be found in the net and was also deleted from the JED, becource the downloadsource got closed.
Some years ago i downloaded the first version of it myself, liked it really much, found it quite a neat thing... This is basically why i don't want it to die out.
Currently i needed it again, but found it no longer working with the new PHP 5.3 standard, now with newer Joomla! versions, so I re-hacked, migrated and improoved it and now here it is, voilà!
Enjoy!... Don't forget to rate it please! ;-)